Aquatic therapy offers significant benefits for musculoskeletal health, particularly arthritis, osteoporosis, chronic pain, or recovering from surgery or injury.
Aquatic therapy can improve strength, cardio, flexibility, balance, lymphoedema, chemo-induced neuropathy, as well as the anxiety & self-image affected by breast cancer.
Water exercise is proving effective for bone health, has lower risks of fracture, & puts less stress on the joints. It also comes with less risk & additional health benefits.
Exercising in heated pools provides physical, mental and emotional benefits. It is also beneficial for athletes and conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, pain and depression.
Aquatics is a therapeutic practice in the form of prevention, exercise, pain management, or formal rehabilitation for Orthopaedic challenges & pain management.
Resistance bands offer a versatile and efficient means of building strength and achieving fitness goals, and are an easy addition to your water fitness toolkit.
By water cycling, athletes can sustain & build cardio endurance while mitigating the stress on their body that frequently leads to injuries or exacerbates pre-existing conditions.
Integrating water into a rehab program post a lower limb fracture aids recovery. The buoyancy reduces impact on joints & enables mobility, the resistance builds strength.
Running on an Aqua treadmill reduces the risk & aggravation of injuries and provides transformative benefits that increases blood flow & aids muscle recovery.
Falls remain Australia's leading cause of injury-related deaths. However, Aquatic exercise can do much to improve strength and balance safely to reduce the risks.
Knee pain doesn't mean an end to physical activity. On the contrary, it's a call to explore alternative methods that protect and heal. Water cycling or running are great options.
In pain management, exercise and movement are pivotal components that hold the key to relief. The best way to begin and increase an exercise regime with pain is in the water.
Spring is the best time to take your fitness regimen outside and into water. Here are eight research-backed benefits of outdoor exercise you may not be aware of.
Water running or aqua jogging is excellent cross-training for runners and a valuable tool for injury rehabilitation and prevention. But which is the best solution?
Water exercise reduces pain & stiffness, sustains muscle strength, & averts deterioration for Arthritis sufferers. It is the most comfortable & effective way to exercise.
How we age is entirely up to us. While time is irreversible, regular water cycling can slow down or even reverse some of the physiological signs of ageing.
Good health is more than the absence of disease; it's about vitality that enhances life at every stage, integrating physical and mental well-being with a balanced lifestyle. Aquatic fitness offers substantial health benefits.
With borders opening, post-COVID class participants will grow. Aquatic exercise can help elevate the symptoms of long covid & facilitate a return to health & exercise.
Water Cycling combines resistance training with a strong cardio and calorie-burning workout. The water is a gentle resistance that increases with speed and equipment.
Water resistance training fosters muscle development, helps to pursue lifestyle goals- such as the ability to lift our grandchildren or travel, & improve health outcomes.
Aquatic equipment has been developed to help achieve better health outcomes. How does this equipment work and what advantages do they offer to our bodies?
For those with osteoarthritis, regular exercise may be too painful and cause further joint deterioration. Gravity puts pressure on the joints. Water cycling relieves that pressure.
It is obvious for physical rehabilitation, but people are also now turning to aqua cycling for preventative health. We’ve listed 17 major health and fitness benefits.
Hydrotherapy has been used for centuries for its varying health benefits. Here is how Water Therapy is still being used to heal injury and illness today, why and how it works.
Today we are living up to 90 years old. What will your body be like at 90? Low impact water workouts can slow down body damage and help you to better enjoy your longer life.
Water cycling on aqua bikes is a low impact, calorie burning workout that suits all ages and fitness levels. See the benefits, how to get started, what makes a good AquaBike.
Want to get fit while enjoying the cool water? Say goodbye to hot sweaty gym sessions and hello to feeling refreshed after your workout with incredible results.