Hydrotherapy & Aquatic Equipment for Chronic Pain


How Water Therapy can assist those who live with Chronic Pain.

Overview of Chronic Pain

Everyone feels pain from time to time. For example, when you pull a muscle in your body or cut your leg, pain is your body's way of alerting you something is wrong. Once the injury heals, you stop hurting. Chronic pain is different. Your body keeps feeling pain weeks, months, or even years after the injury. The feeling of pain comes via a series of signals that zip through your nervous system. The damage turns on pain sensors in that area when you hurt yourself. They send a message or signal, which travels between the nerves, from one to the next, until it reaches your brain that interprets the signal. Your brain processes the signal and sends the alert that you have been hurt. Normally, the signal stops when the cause of the pain is resolved and your body has repaired the wound on your leg or your torn muscle. However, with chronic pain, the nerve signals keep firing even after you've healed. This pain can be disabling and lead to a person not being able to work or enjoy the things they used to like before. 

Chronic pain is medically defined as long-lasting pain that lasts for upwards of 12 weeks.  A report published by the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare in May 2020 states that one out of every five Australians over the age of 45 is living with persistent, ongoing pain. More people are seeing their GPs for chronic pain than ever before. In Australia in 2018; diagnosed Chronic Pain cost an estimated $139 billion, primarily due to reduced quality of life and productivity losses. 

Chronic pain can strike anyone at any time and can affect anyone in any way. The experience of chronic pain can be difficult, frustrating, and isolating for the person who is experiencing pain. Chronic pain can interfere with daily activities, working, having a social life, and taking care of yourself or others.

What is Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain is a chronic or persistent pain that lasts for more than three months, or in many cases, beyond average healing time. It differs from acute pain, such as pain from an injury, which develops quickly and does not usually last long. Typically, if you have an injury, nerves carry signals from the injured part of your body to the brain, alerting the brain to a problem. The brain interprets these signals as pain.

However, when someone has a chronic pain condition, the nerves carring pain signals to the brain, or the brain itself, are behaving in an unusual way. The nerves may be more sensitive than usual, or the brain might be misinterpreting other signals as pain. 

Acute pain can also develop into a chronic pain condition if left untreated or if the acute pain is poorly treated. The longer pain symptoms remain untreated, the greater the risk of pain becoming chronic.

Chronic pain is a very complex condition with everyone experiencing it differently. The pain can vary from mild to severe and is felt on most days.  

There are many variations of chronic pain, including nerve pain, pain caused by a bone, muscle or joint condition, or pain as a result of a medical condition like cancer. Chronic pain can also be caused by migraines, osteoporosis, arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders, or after an injury or surgery. Sometimes there is no obvious cause behind chronic pain.

The exact cause of chronic pain is different for everyone. Many factors may contribute, including:

• Genetics

• Lifestyle choices

• Medical conditions

• External stressors

Some of the most prevalent causes of chronic pain include:

• Arthritis

• Genetic and acquired Conditions

• Fibromyalgia

• Chronic fatigue

• SurgeryInjury

The Impact of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can be devastating to the emotional well-being of the person experiencing it and those around them. The emotional impact of chronic pain is complex and can be challenging to understand. Anxiety, depression, and a sense of isolation are common. These emotions can be challenging to recognize and express when they are in their early stages. Therefore, they are often missed or incorrectly labeled.

Chronic pain can also negatively impact a person's everyday life. For example, those with chronic pain may avoid activities that are typically enjoyable, or they may modify their activities to reduce or eliminate pain. They may also experience a personality change. 

All of these factors can decrease the quality of life.

Symptoms of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is pain that persists rather than being acute and short-lived. This type of pain is usually long-lasting and can be challenging to manage. Chronic pain can be caused by a number of factors, both physical and psychological, and is often a signal that something is misaligned in your body but hard to diagnose.

The most common symptom of chronic pain is a constant, low-level pain that persists for weeks, months, or even years. 

The pain may be experienced differently by each person but often as a dull ache or a sharp, shooting pain. The pain may be specifically localized to one area or felt throughout your body. 

Chronic pain can also cause many other symptoms, such as:

Fatigue: Fatigue is a common symptom of many chronic pain conditions. Fatigue can be caused by the chronic pain itself or by the medications used to treat the pain. Fatigue can also be a common side effect of other medical conditions that are often paired with chronic pain, such as acute anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.

Sleep problems: Chronic pain can cause problems with sleep for a number of reasons. Firstly, chronic pain can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Secondly, chronic pain can lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea. Finally, chronic pain can disrupt the normal sleep cycle, causing fatigue and daytime sleepiness.

Problems with concentration and memory: Chronic pain can cause problems with concentration and memory for a number of reasons. The pain itself can be a distraction, and chronic pain can also lead to sleep problems, which can, in turn, cause problems with concentration and memory. Chronic pain can also cause emotional problems, such as depression and anxiety, which can also interfere with concentration and memory. Finally, chronic pain can lead to the use of pain medications, which can have side effects that include problems with concentration and memory.

Depression & Anxiety: Chronic pain can cause depression and anxiety for a number of reasons. First, chronic pain can be extremely disruptive to one's life, making it challenging to maintain a regular routine or participate in activities once enjoyed. This can lead to the person experiencing feelings of loneliness, isolation, and frustration. Additionally, chronic pain can be very physically and emotionally draining, leaving sufferers feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Finally, chronic pain can be very expensive to manage, both in terms of medical costs and lost productivity. These factors can all lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.

Problems with eating and appetite: Chronic pain can lead to problems with eating and appetite for a number of reasons. First, chronic pain can make it challenging to prepare meals or to have the energy to eat. Second, chronic pain can lead to nausea and vomiting, which can make it challenging to keep food down. Third, chronic pain can interfere with the body's ability to absorb nutrients from food.Fourth, chronic pain can cause weight loss or weight gain, which can impact appetite. Finally, chronic pain can cause depression and anxiety, which can also impact appetite.If the pain becomes severe and interferes with your daily life, it is essential to get it checked out and treated. 

Common causes of chronic pain include: 

Nerve damage - nerve problems affect a nerve's ability to function correctly and conduct signals to the brain. If a nerve is damaged, it can cause pain.

Joint damage - a joint is a group of bones that connect the different sections of your spine, hips, knees, and ankles. Damage to one joint can cause pain in other joints. 

Muscle damage - muscle damage can be caused by injury, disease, or age.

Water Therapy & Chronic Pain

The Benefits of Water Therapy and Chronic Pain

If you have ever experienced chronic pain, you know that it can be relentless. It can also be relentless in its quest to take your life. 

Chronic pain can cause you to lock yourself indoors, keep to yourself, and exhaust yourself with activities that feel like they are never going to end. 

Water Therapy can help with sleep problems

Water therapy can help with sleep problems by relaxing the body and soothing the mind. When you're tense or anxious from the effects of chronic pain, your body's muscles tighten, which can lead to headaches, migraines, and even insomnia. Water therapy can help to relieve that tension and allow your body to relax. The heat from the water can also help to improve circulation and ease any pain or stiffness in the muscles.

Water therapy offers you a way to take some control back over your chronic pain. It can be a refreshing way to de-stress and reset your body, mind, and spirit. 

Recreational and controlled water activities are excellent for helping you keep your stress levels in check, relieve tension, and relieve muscle aches. But when it comes to chronic pain, these activities can be even more beneficial.

Water Therapy can help ease chronic pain fatigue

Fatigue is often described as a general feeling of persistent tiredness or exhaustion. It's different from drowsiness, which is a need to sleep. When you are feeling fatigued, you have no motivation or energy. The water can help to loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow, which may help to reduce fatigue. The resistance provided by the water build strengths and cardio endurance generates more engergy and which over time allows you do more, fighting the feelings of fatigue in everyday life.

In addition, exercising in the pool can also help reduce stress levels, which can in turn help improve sleep quality and reduce feelings of fatigue. These benefits are amplified with heated water.

Water Therapy can help with concentration

There are many different types of water therapy, but all involve using water to relax the body and mind. Water therapy can be used to improve circulation, relieve stress, and ease muscle tension. It can also help to improve concentration and focus.

Water Therapy can help with depression and anxiety

Water therapy can help with depression and anxiety by providing a natural and calming environment. The sound of water can help soothe and relax the mind while being in water can help release endorphins, which are known to improve mood. Water therapy can also help to reduce stress levels and provide a sense of peace and tranquillity.

Water Therapy can help promote a healthy eating pattern

Exercising in water can help regulate eating by alleviating to control hunger and cravings or promoting an appetite if yours is lost through feeling the effects of chronic pain. When you exercise in water, your body burns more calories than it does when you exercise on land, which can make the body send out the signals that you are hungry. This increased calorie burn can help to control your appetite and cravings and regulate a healthier eating pattern if the chronic pain makes you have an increased appetite.

Water Therapy Equipment & Chronic Pain

An Aqua Treadmill is a innovative piece of aquatic equipment that helps the manageability of chronic pain and it's symptoms. It enables pain free low-impact exercise with minimal discomfort during and after the workout and doesn't aggravate symptoms.

Aqua walking, also known as water walking or walking under water, is an excellent form of exercise for people with chronic pain and fatigue. The water provides support and resistance, which can help to reduce pain and increase strength, flexibility and range of motion. The water also helps massage the muscles and joints, providing relief from stiffness and soreness. It is gentle on the body and can be done by people of all fitness levels.

Aqua walking is recommended for someone with chronic pain and sleep problems because it can also help to improve sleep quality by providing a state of relaxation and an exercise that naturally tires the body and the water relaxes the mind.

Aqua walking can also help regulate appetite by improving metabolism and promoting satiety.

Aqua walking or running is an excellent way to stay active, both in body and mind, and improve your fitness level, which can help to reduce pain over time.

An Aqua Bike is such a great piece of aquatic equipment that can help alleviate the symptoms felt from chronic pain and enable exercise with minimal aggravation to the condition. 

Aqua cycling is a fantastic way to challenge yourself without pain or impact on the joints.The low-impact nature of the exercise can help to reduce stress on joints, while the water resistance can provide a good workout for the muscles. Additionally, the warm water can help to relax the muscles and ease any pain or stiffness. For people with chronic pain or fatigue, aqua cycling can be an excellent way to stay active without exacerbating symptoms. In addition, warm water can help to relax muscles and ease the chronic pain.

If suffering sleep problems aqua cycling can burn a lot of energy inducing sleep. The water in the aqua cycle can also help massage the muscles and joints, which can relieve pain and help you sleep. The water can also help to improve circulation, which can reduce inflammation and help to ease the pain, which can allow for a more restful sleep process.

For people with poor concentration, an aqua cycling can also be a helpful way to focus on an activity and improve coordination. The moves to music on the bike improve focus, concentration and coordination.

Aqua cycling is a type of water-based exercise that can provide a range of benefits for people with anxiety and chronic pain. The gentle, low-impact movements of aqua cycling can help to reduce pain and increase mobility. The exercise activated endorphins and feel good hormones. The water's supportive environment can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. A group water cycling class with music is great fun and can bring new relationships countering isolation and depression.

Aqua cycling is a great way to regulate your eating patterns. It helps you burn calories and keep your metabolism up. The hydrostatic pressure on the abdominal region also helps improve your digestion.

Note: Please seek medical advice before exercising & always train under the advice your medical specialist.


people water cycling for chronic pain
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